Thursday, June 23, 2005

Off Topic: Are "Lisa" and "Heshy" one and the same?

It would seem so based on their tone and comments.

Oh, yes, and their email address.

See the address "Heshy" has on my previous post and the address "Lisa" has on the comments to this post of DovBear's.

The Wolf


  1. Haha, wild. Lisa seems to have polished up Heshy's English a bit though.

  2. Lisa claimed to be a "Orthodox MO Women". Funny.

  3. I offered this heshy guy a chance to join my site. Let's see if he'll accept.

  4. Hey Guys, this Lisa is all woman (and I got teh parts to prove it) Though I do concur with many of heshy's well thought out and impressive ideas! Anyone want me to prove my "lisa" attributes? I dont think any of you have the "gehunas"

  5. Rachack,

    Do you really want to affiliate yourself with someone who'se said that he'd happily break both his kids' legs?

    The Wolf

  6. Though I do concur with many of heshy's well thought out and impressive ideas

    Apparently enough to share his email address :)

    The Wolf

  7. Clever, Wolf! Kudos to you!

    Hehe- Lisa is a Heshy impersonator. Heshy was or something like that.

    *calling out all liars*

  8. Lisa is the same as Shiur Chadash. Same email address. I sent all these people invites to join my blog, but now I rescinded them; I'm too modern for them anyways.
