Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Knish Hits It On The Head...

Chareidi Group Seeks Ban of Internet Creation from Yeshiva Textbooks

Great quotes:

The move to ban study of creation of the Internet came up in a series of contentious yeshiva board hearings this week as the group loudly complained that the State’s current textbooks are rife with references to the controversial creation, which they say may or may not exist.

“These textbooks state unequivocally that the Internet was invented, as if that were a proven historic fact,” said Midvar Sheker, the group’s leader and spokesman. “The simple truth is, the Internet is and has always been nothing but a theory.”

The Wolf


  1. Amshinover: that's been done partially - see here

    Wolf: thanks for pointing us to the knish - I liked this article even better

  2. That second link is hysterical!

  3. greattt stuff.
    In fact I'm seeing this just theory right now.It must be an illusion.
    or I'M making an appointment with a psychiatrist.

  4. But... but... how can you ban something that doesn't exist?!

  5. Well, Heshy states that Judaism is opposed to life on other planets, so you can at least ban something that might or might not exist.
