Friday, October 21, 2005

On the Approach of I-Day in Lakewood

As we all know, the Internet-descision Day is approaching in Lakewood. That's the day (whether it's Isru Chag or the day after) when the kiddies in Lakewood have to come to school with the notes signed by their parents stating that they don't have Internet access in the home (or have permission from one of the four "authorizing" rabbis) or else be sent home from school, never to return until the paper is signed.

I'm kind of curious as to what kind of absolute numbers we are looking at here. Specifically, how many families are there in Lakewood with children in the affected schools, how many of those families never had Internet access (and so it's [for now] a non-issue to them) and how many of those that do have Internet access (and don't have the appropiate OK) and will have their kids expelled from school.

I find it kind of ironic how the Lakewood community made sure before the school year started that every student would have a place in a school and that now they are talking about numerous potential explusions, completely independent of the merit or behavior of the individual children involved.

As an aside (since I'm not terribly familiar with the Lakewood community) are there any other yeshivos in the town where this ban is not being enforced? And is it likely that parents of expelled children will send their kids there?

The Wolf


  1. To my certain knowledge there is one boys yeshiva and one girls school that will not enforce the ban. Unfortunatly, they will not tell the Taliban they aren't enforcing the ban; they aren't suicidal.

    Tova is right, all this does is teach children to lie, like when my parents used to tell me "Remember, don't tell anyone we have a TV, otherwise you'll get kicked out of yeshiva".

  2. I agree with your last statement chainik. That's why I enforce the "no going to movies" ban on my sons even though I don't agree with it. It teaches them a valuable lesson - that if you are subject to a set of rules that are fairly enforced and fairly entered into, then you are bound to keep them, even if you personally disagree with it.

    The Wolf

  3. i realize i'm probably very cynical, but is this just another way to get around having to take "everyone"?

    if it isn't then midot are out the window as we teach the children and their families to lie. we'll have to come up with some very creative disgises for the computer, since we don't want any one to be able to see if we actually have the internet.

    this whole issur goes back to your prior posts of what happens to the student if he isn't going to be a rosh yeshiva. how will you support yourself and your family. the parents won't live forever and won't be in a position to support these kollel bochurs and their families. what type of jobs can the wives get without a decent education? banning current technology won't help anyone get a job.

    every time i think things ca'nt get any crazier, i realize otherwise. there seems to be very little common sense in many of these decissions. much seems to be very reactionary to the world in which we're living and seems to mirror many of the decisions made by the fanatical islamic societies. i'd like to believe this wasn't our way but i'm beginning to wonder.

    hopefully someone some where will come to their senses. till then chag samach.

  4. Hi

    I am new to Lakewood, NJ and have been becoming frum for about 10 years. I am a fairly observant, but I still don't do EVERYTHING, and I certainly have movies, TV and Internet, which I am not giving up. Oh yeah, and I have an annual income over $400,000 and net assets worth over 20 million. Could someone please accept my 2 kids in yeshiva? Whatever will I do?

  5. Do those that will be dismissed from Yeshiva get a refund of their tuition?

    In addition, if one does get a "heter" to use the internet for business, but the children are NOT supposed to see the internet in use, when is one allowed to work?

    It seems like an impossible restriction to uphold. I do some work from the home, and unless I were to start working at 11PM (not a receipe for shalom bayit), my child will have to see me work online. In addition, I sometimes have to go online immediately because a client needs something immediately.

    I wonder if any Lakewood ladies are in similiar situations to me (if I were to live in Lakewood)?

  6. Miss Scarlet,

    I say you go down to the Yeshiva of your choice and tell them your dilemma point blank. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who would looove to know how they respond!
