Tuesday, March 28, 2006

On Solving Two Problems At Once

My daughter's school has a Maos Chitim campaign. This is a campaign that provides funds for matzah for those who otherwise would not be able to afford it.

My daughter is not allowed to go collecting door-to-door. However, she came up with an ingenious way of raising some money... she began selling a lot of the candy and nosh that she received for mishloach manos to schoolmates and contributing the money to the campaign.

It's great - it gets rid of all that candy, it raises money for the needy and it shows me that my daughter has an entrepreneurial spirit! I'm so proud of the little Wolfette!

The Wolf


  1. Why is raising money for the poor goyish?

  2. Thats so sweet, you made my day

  3. What a fantastic idea! I love seeing kids with entrepreneurial spirit.

    I also think it is great the school doesn't want the girls raising funds door to door.

  4. Actually, SephardiLady, it's our rule, not the school's.

    The Wolf

  5. nachas.Maybe she'll support you when she's an adult.:)

  6. Great rule Wolf. Good kid, good parents.

  7. If your daughter can sell leftover matzah after Pesach, she could sell anything. If she pulls that off, I'd send out her resume immediately.
