Sunday, November 25, 2007

100,000 Hits!

Well, it took two and a half years, but Wolfish Musings has finally received 100,000 hits. Of course, it seems like some people get 100,000 hits every time Rosh Chodesh comes around, but then again, they post far more often than I do, so I really can't complain.

Nonetheless, I think the fact that people have logged onto my blog 100,000 times shows that at least some people like what I have to say. I'm very grateful that I have this opportunity to discuss issues that are important to me (and, I believe, most of the Orthodox Jewish community) and I want to thank each and every one of you for logging in and commenting, and hope that you will continue to do so.

The Wolf

P.S. The lucky 100,000th hit came from a Road Runner customer in Flushing, New York using IE at 6:57pm. Thank you!