Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh... So *That's* Why Jews Become Agnostics!

Because they drink Cholov Stam!

From AskMoses (regarding the law of Cholov Yisrael):

This law also has spiritual reasons. Drinking unsupervised milk causes agnosticism. The milk may in fact be 100% from a kosher animal, but if no Jewish person was present to watch the milking, it has the effect of casting doubts in our core beliefs.

Boy, am I glad that *that's* cleared up. And here I thought people might become agnostics over deep intellectual or emotional issues. But no, the culprit has been my Hershey bars all the time.

The Wolf


  1. I thought Jews were supposed to be intelligent.

  2. ****! I blame my parents for their horrible minhagim. I wonder what holding 5:01 instead of 6 hours causes!

  3. Actually, more people lose faith over non kosher food than do so over deep intellectual crisis.

  4. What about Pas Israel? If you don't eat Pas Israel your children/granchildren will marry goyim. Are you suggesting it's not true?

  5. "Drinking unsupervised milk causes agnosticism [...] it has the effect of casting doubts in our core beliefs."

    No one should be taking spiritual advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between agnosticism and doubting our core beliefs.

  6. asinine beliefs like this cause a lot more doubts than any milk.

  7. So no one who drinks only cholov yisroel becomes an agnostic? Pulleeeze, a little rationalism.

  8. To be fair, the problem only seems to apply to cholov akum. They mention cholov stam exists and seem to reluctantly matir it. Pretty generous for Lubavitch.

  9. I had a teacher in high school who said something along these lines.

    My response: Grr.

    Her response: If you don't like it, you can leave.

    My response: [leaves room]

    Talk about good chinuch.

  10. [blank stare]

    You have GOT to be kidding me.

    If you didn't link the original article, I'd suspect you of making this up.

  11. I would be far more nervous about the core beliefs of a Chabad guy who *was* watching the milking process.

  12. Scraps,

    Nah. If I write fiction, I'll be sure to announce it as such. :)

    The Wolf

  13. The most dangerous promoters of agnosticism are Sylvester the Cat and Tweety Bird cartoons(which is the real treason chareidim don't let their children watch television). I also suspect that lack of deeper faith and understanding, coupled with life's trials and tribulations, might also play some small role.But what would I know?I'm still trying to fathom what God expects from with my relationship with Him.
