Saturday, February 09, 2008

A Possibility?

A friend of mine joked tonight that the problem with the Third Beis HaMikdash is that on the Aron there's going to be a plaque that reads: Donated by the Cohen Family, in honor of their children Jackie and Isabel.

The Wolf


  1. people still use the name "isabelle"?

  2. JOOC, why is that a problem?

    I mean if it needs to be built and someone gives the money and wants recognition, who cares, as long as it gets built?

  3. RAfi, in Spanish-speaking countries they do.

  4. So, what's the problem?

  5. It's not a halachic problem, per se...

    When we're talking about the Aron in the Beis Hamikdash, we're not talking about the closet where the sifrei torah are kept... we're talking about that gold box, with the angels on top. Somehow, having a dedication plaque on that just seems... sacrilegious.

    The Wolf

  6. Actually, I just observed this Shabbos to my husband that there were no plaques in the mishkan or the Beis Hamikdash. I also observed the difference between the attitude evinced in the Torah and today's here:

  7. Schottenstein should get first shot at it
