Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Rabbinic Ban I Can Stand Behind 100%

Rabbis To Battle Smoking In Haredi Public

Let's hope that this ban is as effective as the recent concert ban. (The cynic in me says no, but I like to try to be optimistic anyway. Someone please pass me my rose-colored contact lenses.)

The Wolf


  1. Don't forget the cigarettes are expensive, and the chareidi community in Israel is already rife with poverty.

  2. How about if the rabbonim put out a pashkevil stating that all smoking is completely assur due to pikuach nefesh and not just try and limit where smoking is done?

  3. Smoking destroys the guhf...concerts destroy the neshama. Why back one and not the other? The teretz is - you don't understand how concerts destroy the neshama, while you do understand how smoking destroys the guhf. maybe Torah leaders understand both!

  4. my2cents,

    You might be right, you might be wrong. However, we have evidence that smoking harms the body. Please provide some evidence that concerts destroy the neshama.

    The Wolf

  5. I didn't state that "I" understand it, rather that "the rabonnim" who are intimately involved with their community problems obviously understand it (as stated in their pakshevil).

  6. And end to quiet contemplative pipe smoking rabbis too busy thinking and ruminating to ban concerts? Say it ain't so.

  7. For an interesting wrinkle on the concert ban you might want to read my new posting. Apparently the National Council of Young Israel is sponsoring a concert. Should be interesting to see what develops.

  8. I'll tell you what develops- nothing. I've said it before: the Young Israel (read: modern) crowd has no relevance to Chareidi rabbis like R. Elyashiv and R/ Kanievsky. Rather, I should say, the opposite- that those rabbis have no relevance to the YI crowd. And why should they? These are rabbonim who hearken back to the Dark Ages, prohibiting television, internet, and even certain cell phones. It is but one irony of this entire affair that it is being discussed and promulgated over the very internet that these rabbis are against. But seriously- are you prepared to abide by a ban proclaimed by these rabbonim? Of course not-- I didn't think so. And neither are your (I'm assuming Modern O) contemporaries. So that's why I think nothing will happen. They're preaching to their own choir.

  9. I do so hate that darned MO designation. Always reminds me of the dreaded blue bottle of Haley's MO that mothers reached for when a child's system was plugged or backed up. Hmmm, I take that back. It's the MO that is going to have to be used to "unclog" a system that is not only clogged but that is causing all kinds of weird symptoms in those who are clogged up. The clogged are "kvetching" with no end in sight. MO to the rescue!

  10. "the National Council of Young Israel is sponsoring a concert"

    I involuntarily chuckled at this but then got control when I realized that nice jewish guy is correct. Some of the rabbis are so out of touch they'd see the Spanish Inquisition sketch in Mel Brooks' The History of the Wold Part I and think, "hmmmm... we might make that work for some of these kofrim... Yes, wheels and chains..."

    I think in the end you're right profk. The recent (like today or so) hubub over tightening of proving Jewish identity on the part of the rabbinate in Israel is going to widen the gap between Israel and the US to the point many "more Orthodox than MO" people soften towards the MO, and well, Conservativeville is headed towards MO even if they won't admit it. That will leave fewer big slices in the US and MO will probably be carrying the theological and more to the point political torch.
