Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey, Join In At The Rabbi Horowitz Hatefest...

... going on at YeshivaWorld.

Sickening. One commentator actually accused Rabbi Horowitz of writing "total kefirah."

The Wolf

UPDATE: To his credit, the YW editor removed some of the more inflammatory posts, including the "total kefirah" comment.

FURTHER UPDATE (5:20 pm): Now the whole thing is gone.

For the record, my last post there basically said that you don't have to agree with everything (or anything) that Rabbi Horowitz says, but at least present a cogent argument why you disagree with him rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks.

The Wolf


Rafi G. said...

saw this too late. what was the topic for which they were attacking Rabbi H?

Anonymous said...

Why is there in the internet at least is there an inverse relationship between the "frumkeit" of a website or a commentator and their ability to logically convey an argument without inflammatory language. I hope its because the serious intelligent charaidi is busy learning and not online.

Anonymous said...

"I hope its because the serious intelligent charaidi is busy learning and not online."

You must not live among chariedim.

Anonymous said...

What was the post's objection regarding Rabbi Horowitz? (Never mind the comments.)

Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

no ad hominem attacks?

you realize that was YWN you were talking to, right?

Marie said...

I appreciate your stance on presenting well-reasoned arguments instead of personal attacks.