Friday, July 25, 2008

An Update

Just a quick update on the letter we sent to George's day camp rebbi.

We never heard back from him. Not a phone call, a note or an email.

George is now in another camp,* so I don't expect to hear from him again.

The Wolf

* To be fair, he was going to another camp at this point in the summer anyway.


  1. thanks for the update.

    hope he has a good time.

    שבת שלום

  2. As I love to say: Shocker.

  3. "* To be fair, he was going to another camp at this point in the summer anyway."

    Thats a critical statement. Why only a footnote?

    And what was the point of this update anyways?

  4. "And what was the point of this update anyways?"

    it was a popular post at the time and i for one asked at the time how the rebbe responded. i don't think i was the only one waiting for an update

  5. LOZ,

    You really expected an answer? Rule #1: The rebbi is never wrong. Rule #2: If the rebbi should be wrong, see rule #1.

    If the camp knew that your son wasn't coming back for the second trip then there wasn't the urgency to appease an irate parent. Out of sight, out of mind.

  6. Sigh, First part is addressed to LOZ's comment, the second part to Wolf.
