Friday, October 03, 2008


Not many of you know this, but I have several hobbies aside from blogging. One of those hobbies is photography. From time to time, I'm going to put up a picture that I took. Feel free to comment, criticize, etc. If you would rather I didn't put up photos in the future (or if you'd like me to put up more), just let me know.

This one is of a dragonfly. It was taken in Hudson River Park, in New York City.

Photo details for those that care:
Canon XSi, 100mm macro lens
f/4, 1/1000 second

The Wolf


  1. It's a lovely photo. I love all the blur in front and back of your main subject.

  2. Beautiful! Please submit it to jpix!

  3. That is beautiful. Post as many as you'd like. I appreciate good photography and wish I had the ability. I have the equipment, just not the time to learn it properly!

  4. That's a beautiful picture. I'd love to see more.

  5. Nice shot. I'd crop some of the top and left side away so that the dragonfly appears higher in the frame - right now his spread wings bisect the shot.

    Alternatively, I'd crop very tight around him and the bud, and turn the photo into a landsacpe - the dominant lines in the photo are the wings, and they run across the photo.

  6. Nice. This is the first that we're hearing about your hobby. Keep it up!

  7. Cropping aside, it's stunning. Not your typical subject. Rare for dragonflies to stay still long enough, especially since you were hovering close by. Clarity, color and sharpness are amazing. Nice lens.

  8. The cropping suggestions are good; also, I would like to see a bit more detail of the wings, which have an amazing lattice structure. But overall, the picture is stunning and makes one appreciate Hashem's creations both large and small.

  9. Extraordinary. Professional quality.

  10. very nice work. You have to be really fast to catch a dragonfly.
