Friday, October 31, 2008

Photos: Trinity Church, September 11, 2008

Time for another photo! I took this shot in downtown Manhattan on the night of September 11, 2008. The building is Trinity Church, a New York landmark. The blue lights behind the church are the Tribute In Light, a memorial for the victims of the September 11 attacks.

From Wolfish Musings Pictures

Picture details
(for those who care)
Canon XSi, 18-55mm lens at 18mm
f/3.5, 3/10 second

As always, comments, critiques, criticisms, etc. are welcome and appreciated.

The Wolf

Previous Pictures: Manhattan Tulips, Dragonfly


  1. It's a beautiful shot - did you use a tripod? I have trouble with blur on the longer-exposure shots.

    Also, as per past critiques you can crop this one a bit better, or photoshop out the ledge in the top left corner - it's distracting. Still, a fantaastic job with the angle of the steeple and the beams of light. Nice work!

  2. I see a pic of a church on a frum blog and I think to myself: what am I supposed to think?

  3. Beautiful shot, though it's interesting to see a frum blogger make it look like things are rising up from a church... :P

    Makes the church look very holy.

  4. Rejewvenator,

    No, there was no tripod involved. As it is, I had to lay down on the sidewalk on Broadway (across the street) to get the picture. Considering the exposure is 3/10, I *was* lucky to get the shot as clearly as I did.

    Other people have recommended that I get rid of the ledge as well. I may yet do so in the future, but for now I like it.


    You're supposed to think it's a very nice picture visually, regardless of the subject.


    The shot actually wasn't planned. I spent about an hour shooting down in Battery Park (where the lights actually were). After that, I started walking up Broadway (to eventually walk over the Brooklyn Bridge) and as I passed the church, I realized that the combination of the lit up church at night and the ligths would make a nice shot.

    The Wolf

  5. Great shot - though looks like a little too much sharpening in post-processing, if you ask me.

  6. very cool, I've never seen those blue lights before and I always wanted to, so thanx for sharing the picture. But are you allowed to take a picture of a church?

  7. It's a beautiful memorial -- simple, powerful, moving. Thanks for giving us the chance to see it from afar.
