Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A YWN Coffeeroom Poster Thinks Racism Is Dead

From the thread's OP:

Yesterday's election proves what most of us long knew: that racism is dead. Sure there are exceptions with individuals who don't like blacks, but institutionally racism is a long dead animal.

I don't know if he's right. It racism may be dead (in the U.S.) on an institutional basis, or it may not be. However, hearing this from a YWN Coffeeroom thread, three words come to mind:


The Wolf


  1. It gets better...

    Maran Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita is quoted as having said [on Wednesday] - following the election of Senator Barack Obama as America’s next president, that this is not the first time that a black person was elected to a leadership post, ‘News1′ reports.

    Yiddishkeit believes a person with black skin is a descendant of Cham, the son of Noach, upon who it is written “he will serve his brother”. Rav Kanievsky stated in regard to the president-elect that he will be a “servant who rules”, adding there is a historical precedent with King Herod (Hurdus), who was also black. “Herod made Tzaros for Am Yisrael, but he also built the Beis HaMikdosh” stated the Rav.

  2. I'm trying to avoid YWN and Vois. I decided that I really don't care what people there think.

  3. so are you glad Obama won or are you a racist?

  4. so are you glad Obama won or are you a racist?

    Why? Is there no other option? Isn't is possible that a person could *honestly* disagree with Obama's policies and therefore be upset that he won on that basis? Or does that brand him/her a racist as well?

    (NB: I usually keep politics [and my own political opinion] off the blog. Whether I voted for Obama, McCain or a third party candidate is not relevant, nor is my personal preference relevant either. Nonetheless, I'll sum it up this way: I'm not happy Obama won. But then again, I would not have been happy with a McCain win either.)

    The Wolf

  5. sorry, my sarcasm didn't come through on my last comment.

  6. "Racism is dead?"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhshahhahahahhahaha.... oh, holding my sides and crying...heheheh.. snort

    If only it were so easy.

  7. Yiddishkeit believes a person with black skin is a descendant of Cham, the son of Noach, upon who it is written “he will serve his brother”.


    In my Torah it says that Kena‘an will serve his brother(s), not Hham! WTH? What's wrong with these people?

  8. and since when was Hurdos Black? He was from Edom!

  9. >“Herod made Tzaros for Am Yisrael, but he also built the Beis HaMikdosh” stated the Rav.<

    Who the hell needs that kind of 'Beis HaMikdash'?

  10. Institutionally racism might be declined but in the hearts of many it is still very much alive. That is a sad fact.

    The outcome of the election is, however, a great indicator of attitude change. I'm sure there were some people who voted against Obama for no other reason that his color but I don't think all McCain supporters are racially biased.

  11. "In my Torah it says that Kena‘an will serve his brother(s), not Hham! WTH? What's wrong with these people?"

    Yea, only canaanites are cursed not all b'nei Cham. That makes everything better.

    Face it this is a difficult idea to swallow. Don't get sanctimonious because you apply the concept more narrowly.

    "Institutionally racism might be declined but in the hearts of many it is still very much alive. That is a sad fact."

    President Obama whooped McCain bigtime. It was a pathetic. But somehow this is irrelavent eh?

    Racism exists and always will, Racism as an excuse does not anylonger.

  12. anonymous:

    it's better because it's over. the Canaanites are gone. and by the way, they looked just like us Israelites. they weren't "Black".

  13. "it's better because it's over. the Canaanites are gone."

    It's not that simple, especially since we had a part in that, but I think you are on the right track.
