Thursday, May 28, 2009

Off-Topic: Ow! The Irony! It Hurts!!

Headline from Jewish Breaking News:

San Jose student reaches final of national Spelling Bee sorrectly spelling yiddish word ‘kichel’

Folks, you just can't make this stuff up.

The Wolf


  1. is it supposed to be spelled sorrectly?

  2. yup one year at the semi-semi-finals, I remember a kid got the work "kugel" but it was pronounced "Kooogel" :)
    all the frum people in the audience laughed

  3. A year or two ago there was a yiddish word in the final. I think it was "hechsher" although I'm not positive. In any event, like hechsher, it was a word that really has no "proper" 100% accepted spelling, i.e. hecksher, hechsher, etc.

  4. I remember the 'hechsher' word incident because I was watching it at the time. (It's quite neat to see these young kids perform. The pressure is really intense.) The interesting thing is that she was kicked off for misspelling it, but the judges were shown that she spelled it right according to a dictionary and they allowed her back on.

    News Story: Brother at bee catches judges' faulty spelling

  5. The least they can do is spell out the Yiddish words using Hebrew letters.
