Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photos: Waterdrop Reflection

I recently decided to try something new in my photography -- water drop photos. These are photos where the subject is viewed inside of a water drop. Here's a recent attempt I made.

Canon XSi, 100mm macro lens, f/2.8, 0.8 seconds

As always, comments, critiques and criticisms are welcome, encouraged and appreciated.

The Wolf


  1. Simply wonderful. Great colors and composition.

  2. Great idea and execution. You can also do a lot with icicles.

  3. Wow, nice shot! How did you do that?

  4. The red you see is a Gerber daisy.

    I set up my camera with my macro lens (I LOVE that lens) and put it on a tripod.

    I positioned it in front of the sunflower. I used a spray bottle to create the drops to hang off the daisy.

    I then found the reflection (or, more precisely, the refraction) of the sunflower through the drop. I then aimed the camera, set the aperture to the widest it will open (2.8 on that lens) and shot.

    The Wolf

  5. You're a very patient person. And skilled with a camera, too!
