Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don't You Find It Amusing....

... when people who say "let's flood the public schools" with our kids as a solution to the community tuition problems are probably the same ones who want their yeshivos ultra-segregated so that only the "right" kids can attend?

What do they think the public school system will do?  Set up "yeshivish-only" classes?

The Wolf


  1. actually i've heard people from across the spectrum suggest this stuoid tactic.

  2. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  3. They think that the public schools couldn't handle the influx, so the government's only solution will be to shower cash on yeshivas so all the Orthodox kids can go back.

  4. They think that the public schools couldn't handle the influx, so the government's only solution will be to shower cash on yeshivas so all the Orthodox kids can go back.

    Oh, I understand their reasoning. I just find it amusing that many of them wouldn't even consider letting my kid sit next to theirs in a yeshiva, but they'd be willing to put him next to any kid in a public school to try to save a few bucks.

    The Wolf

  5. S:

    1) why is it assumed that they can't handle the influx?

    2) if they are correct and they can't handle the influx and furthermore that the city will violate the constitution and public opinion, etc. actually give money to jewish schools, at most we've bought themselves one year. within that time the city will have made accomadations for the coming year

    3) everyone knows a bluff anyway. empty threats will only get us so far

  6. >1) why is it assumed that they can't handle the influx?

    It's probably wishful thinking, but I think it probably has a little bit to do with an inflated guesstimate of the numbers we're talking about, perceptions based on nothing about how organized (and crowded) NYC public schools are, and a real inability to comprehend the way the establishment clause is understood and why. But like you said, it's just hot air since there is no possible way that tens, let alone alleged hundreds, of thousands will just be registered in public schools. Conceivably it could happen with hundreds, but of course the schools can absorb hundreds, and even if it were thousands, they'd figure it out, not pay yeshiva tuitions.

  7. Garnel IronheartAugust 25, 2010 8:47 PM

    They wouldn't have as much of a problem sitting their kid next to a gentile because when their kid came home they could say "Don't do as that boy does, he's not Jewish". But sitting next to your kid is a problem because they can't use that line.

  8. Garnel, a Jewish sheigitz is worse than an authentic sheigitz.

  9. In the 1960's, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, there were indeed a whole slew of frum young girls enrolled in the local public school and there were sufficient of them that they were in one classroom together. It happened then, in a far less permissible time period, so what is to keep it from happening again?

  10. not sure why you think its the same people

  11. > inflated guesstimate

    Forget to NYC, since they have such a large school system. But in Lakewood, such a threat could succeed. In NJ, every block is its school district and so Lakewood only has 4 elementary schools ( If Lakewood rabbinic leadership would instruct ALL students to enroll and attend public school, everyone would. The lay leadership can give the school board the option of either giving some money to the Jewish schools, or more than double their enrollment in a single year. Now, if only the leadership in Lakewood was sufficiently organized about this.

  12. Public school is not a threat. The more kids that enrole the more money that flows to the unions. The reaction from the public schools is and has always been "bring it on". Also, they know that they can call our bluff and the masses are not going to end up in public school. As to your point about the children of the "elite" obviously their children are so gifted that they would end up in the top classes with only similarly "enriched" kids, so you do not pose a threat.

  13. "Migu" B'loshon Hagamara. Got it?

  14. Migu is a ne'emanus. Nothing else.

  15. T:

    "But in Lakewood, such a threat could succeed."

    even if the community stood behind the threat, even if the legal and constitutional issues could be put aside, even if the public school system simply didn't rent caravan classrooms or put up temporary structures or bus the kids out to other systems . . .

    at most you've only bought yourself a year. the public school system would make sure to have a system in place for the following year to handle the influx.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Migu is a ne'emanus. Nothing else.

    It's a machlokes hachronim if migu is a choach hateina or a ne'emunus
