Friday, December 10, 2010

Photos: Autumn Highway

Back in October, I spent a day up in Harriman State Park, taking pictures of the fall foliage. Here's one of the shots I took that day:

Canon Xsi, 39mm, f/5, 1/60 second.

As always, comments, critiques and criticisms are welcomed and appreciated.

The Wolf


  1. makes you wanna run along the trees and leafs. beautiful pics.

  2. Beautiful picture as always wolf. One quick critique, I think having a broader depth of field would have brought out the back trees a bit more, perhaps something along the lines of f11. I realize that you shot this at 1/60th so that would bring your ISO up, but just something to consider. I feel like my eye is drawn to the street and just the trees as an afterthought. keep up the great work!

  3. Wow an amazing picture. I love those Autumn atmosphere pictures

  4. Oh, How I miss upstate NY! Gorgeous!
