Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Ami Magazine Article About Orthopraxy

Yes, I saw it, and I do have some things to say about it, but it may have to wait until Sunday or perhaps until after Yom Tov.  I've got a crunch of real work and school work at the moment and can't really do justice to this article on the fly.

If you haven't read it yet, you can find it here.

The Wolf


  1. Of what importance made you feel compelled to let the world know that "I do have some things to say about it" and will post about it at some unspecified future date?

    BTW, who uploaded that copyrighted article to Scribd?

  2. You closed comments on the Moses authorship question. Don't you buy the Documentary Hypothesis? It's the only plausible authorship story I know.

    Certainly Moses never wrote these words: Deuteronomy 34

    5. So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.

    6. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.

    How could Moses forget where he was buried?

  3. Moshe wrote it, with tears in his eyes, as per Rashi I think, or a medrash.

  4. >>>> Moshe wrote it, with tears in his eyes, as per Rashi I think

    Even if one were to concede that Moishe wrote the last 8 verses of the Torah using prophecy, it makes no sense for him to have said. “…. but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.” He would have prophesized and said, “no man will know”.

    Also, the expression “unto this day” makes no sense unless used by somebody writing the text many, many years later.

    For example, imagine a reporter writing the day after the election of President Barack Obama,

    “Mr. Obama is the first black president ever elected in the United States and until this day no other black president has ever been elected.”

  5. Please, let's stay on topic. Do not use this post as a continuation of the closed one.


    Two reasons:

    1. People may ask why I didn't say anything, and I wanted people to know that I saw it but just don't have the time to properly address it right now.

    2. It's called "coming attractions" :)

    The Wolf

  6. >BTW, who uploaded that copyrighted article to Scribd?

    The copyright holder, of course.

  7. You've really made it when people are demanding you post again! I hope the fame doesn't get to your head while you are finishing up Pesach preparations.

  8. >BTW, who uploaded that copyrighted article to Scribd?

    The copyright holder, of course.

    There is no indication that AMI uploaded that article.

  9. >There is no indication that AMI uploaded that article.

    That's not your concern, is it?

  10. Uploaded by a chareidi blogger who goes by the name "Hirshel Tzig" (Deer Goat).
