Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Photos: Colorful Water Drops

Canon XSi, 100mm macro lens, f/2.8, 1/320 second, ISO 200

Lately, I've been experimenting with various water drop pictures.  Here's one that I did that involved using some color.

Comments, criticisms and critiques are welcomed, appreciated and encouraged.

The Wolf


  1. pretty awesome stuff. also, funny that 8 minutes before you posted, i saw a similar post you may enjoy:

  2. Really nice. What did you use for the background?

  3. Really nice, I always love rainbow type stills.

  4. Lovely. Great shades of pink and orange - brave colors for a man (I think of them as little girl colors).

  5. very special. I would hang the pix in my home. hope your family enjoys as much as us!

  6. A Caring Yid Who Takes An Interest in YouNovember 10, 2011 9:53 PM

    How's you new job coming along, Rabbi Wolf? Are you still in the same field?

  7. Sorry for the delay in responding.

    Really nice. What did you use for the background?

    Some of my daughters hair bands wrapped around an deodorant canister.

    How's you new job coming along, Rabbi Wolf? Are you still in the same field?

    Same field. New job coming along fine, B"H.

    The Wolf

  8. Oh, and please, do NOT call me Rabbi. I am not a Rabbi, nor do I pretend to be one.

    The Wolf

  9. Steg (dos iz nit der šteg)November 25, 2011 1:26 PM

    Yishar koaḥ, great picture!
