Friday, December 05, 2008

Photos: Gargantua

I was going to offer a discussion on shutter speed this week, but it's been a very busy week and I haven't really had the time to properly put my thoughts in order. So, instead, I'll put up a photo of my hamster, Gargantua (yes, I have a rather perverse sense of humor).

From Wolfish Musings Pictures

Canon XSi, 18-55mm IS lens at 55mm
f/5.6, 1/60 second

As always, comments, criticisms and critiques are welcome and appreciated.

The Wolf

Previous Pictures:
Sunflower Arrangement (discussion of lens apertures and depth of field)
Empire (basic discussion of lenses)
Hovering Bee
Sunflower Macro
Statue of Liberty
Trinity Church, September 11, 2008
Manhattan Tulips


  1. Is that you, Stuart?

  2. Of course not! It's a hamster, not a mouse. :)

    The Wolf

  3. Sorry to say, I don't like this photo as much as some of the previous ones. The lighting isn't great, and it seems like you could probably fix it up a bit with some white balancing in post processing, but the one thing that you can't fix is the depth of field. The focus doesn't seem terrifically sharp even at the nose, and by the time we get to the eyes, they're not in focus at all.

    Of course, the expression on his face is priceless.

  4. 'As always, comments, criticisms and critiques are welcome and appreciated.'

    The whiskers are too long. :)

  5. I must disagree with the previous two commentors - I very much like the depth of field and also find the lighting perfect. I like the connection that it creates with his eyes...that's just my opinion though.

    Very nice!
