My wife bakes challah just about every Erev Shabbos (OK, so she didn't do it for the Shabbos that was Erev Pesach this past year... but just about every other week). Truth be told, I've become spoiled because of her delicious challah and find that the store-bought challos are just not as good as they used to be.
In honor of Channukah, my wife came up with these dreidel shaped challos. In previous years, she also made a menorah shaped challah. She's also made ladder shaped challos for Shavous and the traditional round ones for Rosh HaShannah. Does anyone have any suggestions for other shapes for around the year?
The Wolf
Those are really beautiful/ creative! What a lovely idea ;) Please tell your wife I think that's really clever. As to more "themes" for Chanukah- well, if you've got the menorah, the dreidel, and the cruse of oil, I'm not sure what else there is to add...if you're militaristic, a Maccabee (though that's more of a gingerbread theme ;) )
Shlissel challah (key shaped).
Those are awesome! Your wife must be quite artistic.
The Hallah Book: Recipies, Histories, and Traditions by Freider Reider has specific designs for various Hallot throughout the year.
Kol Tuv
How about a flaming beis hamikdosh challah for tisha b'av? - JF
A noose for Purim.
A dinosaur for Shabbos Bereishis!
a question mark for the skeptics
Very creative
Fish! Fish with surprise chocolate chips in them. I like the ladder. Must try that.
Purim we make humantaschen challahs: Roll circles of dough, put some raisins in the center and fold them up into a triangular shape.
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