Friday, March 27, 2009

Sunset Over The Hudson

Here's a shot that I took last week. I'd really like your opinion on it on what works and what doesn't.

Canon XSi, 18-55mm lens at 55mm
f/5.6, 1/500 second
Taken in Hudson River Park, close to Pier 40

As an aside, if you want to meet me, a half-decent way to do so during the spring/summer months is to hang around Hudson River Park by Pier 40, where this shot was taken between noon and 3pm. I'll usually spend one lunch period a week (the day will vary depending on my schedule) there shooting plants, animals, insects, people or the river. If you see a guy with a yarmulke walking around with a Canon camera taking bunches of pictures, it's probably me.

As always, comments, criticisms and critiques are welcome and encouraged.

The Wolf

Previous Photos:
First Day of Spring
Duck Again!
Llama -- an Unorthodox Picture
Yellow Flower
Panorama: Empire State
Borei M'Orei HaAish
Floral Macro: How Close Can You Get?
Shutter Speed & Light Trails on the Brooklyn Bridge
On The Wings of Gerber Daisies
Sometimes, an Out-of-Focus Shot Works Well Too
The Ghosts Of Grand Central
Third Night
Shooting From A Different Angle
Sunflower Arrangement (discussion of lens apertures and depth of field)
Empire (basic discussion of lenses)
Hovering Bee
Sunflower Macro
Statue of Liberty
Trinity Church, September 11, 2008
Manhattan Tulips


  1. Seems that sunset occurs before 3:00PM at pier 40.
    Why don't you turn the camera around once and shoot?

  2. Alas, no. *That* particular shot was taken later in the day. I didn't say that noon to three was the *only* time I visited the park.

    I'm not sure I understand your last question? Are you asking why I didn't shoot the West Side Highway?

    The Wolf

  3. Something there makes me think those things look like gravestones on the water...

  4. Those are actually the crumbling remains of an old, unused pier.

    The Wolf

  5. No. Why do I have schlep to pier to get to see you? Turn the camera around and focus on your eyes.

  6. i like how the sun is off-center, and the old pier pilings are also off-center in the other direction.

  7. Joe in AustraliaMarch 28, 2009 8:09 AM

    It would make a nice shot if you could get lower and do a shot without the buildings, paying more attention to the texture of the pilings.

  8. I'm with Joe, the pilings are the most compelling part, and trying to get the sun and the buildings does too much with the shot. A lower angle approach would be very dramatic.
