Eeees and I had a wonderful few days away. Here are some pics (including a panorama) that I took while we were gone. Click on the pics for larger images (especially the panorama).
Twenty Wolfish points to anyone who can guess where we were. (If you know me IRL and know where I went, then you're not eligible.)
The Wolf
Welcome back.
Is that a new pet?
Guess I shoulda used more sunscreen ;)
I'm going to guess St. John
Land of the Lost? ;-)
That sure doesn't look like NYC water... :)
Jurassic Park?
New Zealand? (wild guess)
Looks pretty! (I know where you were) Hope you had a great time
Cozumel? Costa Rica? Cancún? Colombia?
Galapagos Islands?
1000 islands
The reptile is an iguanid, so that means it has to be in the region of the Americas, or the Galapagos. But the vegetation seems a little too lush for the Galapagos.
looks like volcanic islands. i'm going with carribean. yo ho.
And the winners are...
Eeees and I went to St. Thomas. The middle picture is taken from Paradise Point, one of the higher spots on the island. However, the bottom picture (some of the rocks in Trunk Bay) and the panorama up on top (the Narrows of the BVI) were taken from St. John, where we spent one day.
So, ten points to Anonymous for guessing St. John and 10 points to Ba'al Habos who emailed me that it was St. Thomas.
The Wolf
But, as we all know, Wolfish points still won't get you a ride on the city bus ;)
(IOW.."The points don't matter!")
Hey, whose line is it, anyway?!
At least SerandEz points get you invited for Shabbos. :P (Not that you can't without them...)
Sticking out your tongue???
Is NY ::gasp!:: rubbing off on you Ezzie?
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